
King’s plans for EV chargers at Windsor Castle under threat

King Charles’ plans to install electric vehicle charging points at Windsor Castle have been threatened by archaeologists.

Plans had been submitted to install six electric vehicle charging points on the Royal grounds, however archaeologists have pushed back against the proposals as the chargers may impact nationally important archaeological remains. The group has requested an investigation to assess the impact of the chargers on the site.

In planning consultation documents submitted to the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead council, Edwin Wood, an archaeology officer at Berkshire Archaeology, said: “The application site falls within an area of archaeological significance and archaeological remains may be damaged by ground disturbance for the proposed development.

“The sites lie immediately adjacent to, and within the grounds of, Windsor Castle, a scheduled ancient monument.

“The area around the castle became the focus for settlement following the construction of the castle in the 11th century and the movement of the royal centre from Old Windsor following the Conquest of 1066.

“As such there is the potential for archaeology relating to the early development and construction of the castle and town of Windsor to survive.”

Under the plans, four of the charging points will be placed around Home Park and two by the castle.

The Royal household said of the plans: “This application is submitted to support the wider sustainability strategy and decarbonisation of the estate.

“No works are proposed to existing building fabric, all chargers are to be free‐standing and reversible to accommodate future technology developments in the field.”

According to The Telegraph, the council has not yet made a decision on the application, but the charging points are likely to be installed after any archaeological remains are assessed and recorded as part of a condition for granting planning permission.

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