
Vauxhall backs electric paramotor world record attempt with four EVs

Vauxhall is providing four electric vehicles in support of a Guinness World Records attempt to fly around Britain in a fully electric paramotor.

The ‘Round Britain Climate Challenge’ is being attempted by biologist and adventurer Sacha Dench, who is also the UN Ambassador for the Convention on Migratory Species and founder of the charity Conservation Without Borders. With Dench having taken to the skies on Thursday from Stevenson, near Glasgow, Scotland, she will fly anti-clockwise around the country and is aiming to complete the circumnavigation around 11th August back in Glasgow.

Throughout her expedition, Dench will meet with and feature stories of individuals, community groups and organisations driving change in the climate movement. These stories will be highlighted to inspire everyone to get involved in the UK’s Green Recovery.

The ‘Round Britain Climate Challenge’ is attempting to set two world records: ‘The first and fastest flight around Britain in a paramotor powered only by renewable energy’ and ‘The most pledges to act on climate change in one month’ through Count Us In. On the journey, Dench will be calling on people in all walks of life to sign up to take one practical action of climate change action and help achieve 140,001 pledges to break this second record.

Vauxhall is supporting the record attempt with specially liveried electric vehicles. Two fully electric Vivaro-e vans are joined by the all-new Mokka-e. The all-new Mokka-e is capable of up to 201 miles from a single charge, while the Vivaro-e achieves up to 205 miles from a single charge.

Adam Millward, managing editor of Guinness World Records, said: “Sacha is already a part of the Guinness World Records family, having become the first woman to cross the English Channel by paramotor during her epic ‘Flight of the Swans’ expedition in 2016. Given her tenacity and drive, we know she has her sights set on achieving more records, and there’s not many that would bet against someone like Sacha in seeing her goal through! We are delighted to see her once again take to the air in order to fly the flag for nature.”

Paul Willcox, managing director of Vauxhall, said: “Vauxhall has a fully electrified van line-up on sale this year and is committed to offering a fully-electrified car range by 2024 and is excited to support the ‘Round Britain Climate Challenge’. Not only is it a great initiative using electric technology, but the record attempt will showcase the practical credentials of electric vans and cars to people around the country. The challenge is a worthy cause and we wish Sacha and the team the best of luck in their Guinness World Record attempt.”

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