
Swim whilst you charge at the new Tesla SuperPool

Charging your EV and fancy a dip? Well Tesla has installed a mobile swimming pool to its Supercharger site in Hilden, Germany.

Located around 350 miles away from Tesla’s Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg, the so-called ‘SuperPool’ will allow Tesla drivers to enjoy a leisurely swim whilst they wait for their car to charge.

As reported by the Tesla Welt Podcast, a German Tesla YouTube channel, this pool at the Hilden Supercharger station started offering the service on Thursday 4th August 2022.

Each passenger will be able to use the SuperPool for ten minutes whilst their EV chargers at the site, with Tesla-branded beach balls also available to play with. The ten-minute timeslot should offer each driver more than enough time to dry off and change, as the Tesla Superchargers take between 25-30 minutes to fully charge, and around 15 minutes to charge from 20% to 60%.

The pool is open from Thursday to Sunday each week between the hours of 14:00 and 19:00, with room for only four people at one time.

Tesla’s SuperPool follows the recent ‘club lounge’ which was spotted at a Supercharger site in Endsee, Germany. Developed by bk World, the lounge features a number of facilities including a cafe, gaming centre, toilets and pizza-making machine.

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