
Survey finds 70% of Europeans would go electric for their next car

A pan-European survey commissioned by Nissan found that 70% of people would consider an electric vehicle as their next car.

The most popular reason for drivers considering the change is the environmental benefits offered by a zero-emissions vehicle, with 49% listing this as the primary factor.In order to understand what motivates or prevents drivers to switch to electric mobility, Nissan surveyed 7,000 motorists across Europe, split evenly between EV and ICE (internal combustion engine) motorists.Initial findings revealed that EV driver satisfaction is high, with 89% of EV drivers saying the switch to an electric vehicle was the right decision. 74% said they feel more relaxed and 77% find it smoother to drive than an ICE vehicle.In addition, 97% of respondents said they found the transition to an electric vehicle from an ICE “as expected” or “easier.”The majority (70%) of motorists also stated that the range autonomy of their electric vehicle is better than expected before purchase.Arnaud Charpentier, region vice president of product strategy and pricing at Nissan AMIEO, said: “With this new research, we’re seeing first-hand that European drivers are embracing electrification. Just as they are continuing to explore what electric vehicles have to offer, we are committed to showing them the vast benefits of electric mobility and how easy actually it is to make the switch.“From low running costs to surprising performance, electric cars have transformed the everyday driving experience for the better.”Further results from the survey found electric driving as an enjoyable experience, with 89% of European EV drivers stating that they are happy with their EV with 78% saying it is better than expected.In addition, over one third (34%) of EV drivers made the decision to switch thanks to the advanced technology offered in electric cars, and almost one third (31%) of ICE drivers considering an EV also admitting that the advanced technology is tempting them to convert. 

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