
New survey reveals high satisfaction for EV drivers

Less than 1% of EV drivers would go back to a petrol or diesel car, according to a Zap-Map survey looking at driver satisfaction.

The poll has revealed that more than 90% of drivers are extremely happy with their EV and would not want to replace it with a petrol or diesel car. The data highlights the positive impact of EVs on drivers who have benefited from a great driving experience, low running costs and low emissions.

More than 48% of respondents said that their current vehicle was their first EV, with 28% making the purchase in 2020.

In addition, driver satisfaction was notably higher for both battery-electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, with EV drivers reporting a satisfaction score of 91 out of 100 (battery-electric 92, plug-in hybrid 84), compared with only 74 for petrol or diesel vehicle ownership.

This year, for the first time in the survey, drivers were also asked about the furthest distance they have travelled in an EV in a single journey.

The majority of the respondents (53%) said they have driven more than 200 miles in their EV in a single trip. The figure shows that drivers are habitually using their EVs on longer trips, and should put to bed concerns over the range of EVs, at least for the average driver, given that the average car journey in the UK was just 8.4 miles in 2019.

Furthermore, almost a quarter of respondents (24%) said they have driven more than 300 miles in one trip – with over 7% doing the long haul and driving more than 500 miles in a single journey. For around 31%, between 101 and 200 miles was their longest trip in an EV, while for 15% it was less than 100 miles.

Transport Minister Trudy Harrison said: “These survey results show that drivers are becoming increasingly confident in making the switch to electric vehicles and I hope this data encourages others to consider going electric as we work towards the UK’s ambitious net-zero targets.

“We’ve committed £2.5bn to accelerate the rollout of zero emission vehicles and charging infrastructure across the country, ensuring the transition is as simple as possible for motorists, as we take steps towards a greener transport future.”

Melanie Shufflebotham, co-founder & COO at Zap-Map, said: “As we move from the early adopters into mass EV adoption, the evidence in favour of electric vehicles grows more compelling every year.

“The findings of this latest poll certainly give prospective EV buyers something to think about in 2022. For the second year running we’ve seen that those who make the switch to electric simply don’t look back. It’s also clear from the distances EV drivers have travelled that concerns over range and other historical challenges of owning and running an EV are increasingly a thing of the past.

“As the EV market continues to grow, alongside the charging infrastructure that supports it, Zap-Map’s focus is on making the EV charging experience simple, by providing the ability to search, plan and pay all in one app.”

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