
Lack of government support tops list of consumer concerns about EVs

Concerns over the cost of electric cars and a lack of government support have been ranked the most common concerns for UK drivers when it comes to EVs.

A new survey of 2,000 UK drivers commissioned by InsuretheGap found that almost half (47%) of drivers say they simply cannot afford to buy an electric car (44% men and 49% women), rising to 50% of over 55s, compared to 37% of under 34s.

A further 79% also stated a government grant (currently worth up to £1,500) is not enough to make them purchase an electric car (85% of over 55s agree, compared to 69% of under 34s).

More than one in three (35%) worry they could be priced out of driving altogether (33% men and 37% women), rising to 37% of over 55s, compared to 34% of under 34s.

There are also fears of possible punitive government action. Three-quarters of drivers (75%) don’t trust the government to not make electric motoring more expensive in the future (men 80% and women 78%), rising to 85% of overs 55s, compared to 69% of under 34s.

Charging electric cars also remains a sticking point for many drivers, with 40% saying the UK is a postcode lottery when it comes to charging points (42% men and 38% women), rising to 48% of over 55s, compared to 29% of under 34s. Three-quarters of drivers (75%) think it is unfair that people without a home electric charger could end up paying more at public charging points (men 72% and women 78%).

Over one in three (36%) say there should be electric charging points at workplaces (37% men and 35% women); while four in ten (41%) do not want to wait around in public places, like motorway service stations, whilst charging an electric car (37% men and 44% women).

Electric cars also seem to have an image problem, with only 5% of drivers saying an electric car is good for their image; and only a fifth (20%) think that electric car models are more desirable than their petrol or diesel equivalents (23% men and 18% women). 29% of under 34s agree with this, compared to 18% of over 55s.

Helping the environment is a driving factor for only one in four drivers (28%), rising to a third (33%) of under 34s, compared to 28% of over 55s.

Ben Wooltorton of InsuretheGap said: “We still have a mountain to climb in the UK to encourage large-scale adoption of electric vehicles. People seem put off by the cost, and sceptical about their financial advantage in the long term. We also know that the government will need to recoup the loss of income when the current system of charging heavily polluting vehicles declines, but we don’t know yet how they plan to do this. It’s no surprise to hear, therefore, that electric car owners might fear that their card’s marked for additional expense in the future.”

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