
Electric ZEEKR 001 breaks two Guinness World Records

Electric mobility brand ZEEKR has announced its luxury all-electric 001 vehicle has broken two Guinness World Records.

Less than a year since the brand started delivering vehicles to customers in China, ZEEKR has made its mark on the global stage by claiming the titles for the fastest drift ever achieved by an electric car and the fastest electric car slalom.

The records have fully verified the three core strengths that underpin the 001, it is “fast, accurate and stable.”

The fastest electric vehicle drift requires the vehicle to achieve greater than 99mph and the 001 was able to achieve a maximum speed of 127mph. Using the 001’s high-performance twin electric drive system, the front and rear were able to achieve instantaneous torque output up to 7,680Nm and an acceleration time up to 99mph in only 3.8s.

ZEEKR’s 001 also went on to set a new benchmark for the fastest ever all-electric car slalom. The vehicle weaved between 50 cones equally spaced and completed the course, without touching or knocking any down, in 49.05 seconds.

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