
Carvoy launches new EV strategy concept for UK businesses

EV advisory firm Carvoy has launched a new strategy concept to help fleets transition to electric vehicles through supported infrastructure.

Dedicated to helping businesses of all shapes and sizes move to a climate-conscious vehicle fleet model, Carvoy aims to provide businesses with the best EV infrastructure in order to ensure a seamless business transport solution.

Carvoy will help design the company’s fleet, looking at things such as the transport needs, average mileage, geography and type and number of vehicles needed for that company. It will assess the most suitable vehicles, the best time to acquire those vehicles and the best way to introduce the fleet to help businesses enjoy a smooth transition into an EV fleet.

Joseph Sullivan, co-founder of Carvoy, said: “As the world’s leaders gather in Glasgow at the COP26 summit, the spotlight on the climate emergency we face is getting brighter, yet we still have millions of fossil fuel fleet vehicles on UK roads.

“It is clear to see that EVs are the future, and we have to embrace them to slow climate change, so we set up Carvoy to be the carbon champion extension to businesses. Working with leading vehicle manufacturers and finance partners we want to bring electric vehicle solutions in-house to any business and help company directors make the net zero fleet transition regardless of company size.”

He added: “We are so pleased to be bringing Carvoy to the market, we feel that this is the right time to be bringing this solely EV fleet advisory service to UK businesses – we want to help our customers make a carbon neutral change.

“The long-term economic benefits for companies to move quickly on this is also important to note, as the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of EVs is now the equivalent or cheaper than the petrol or diesel equivalents.

“Our vision is to deliver a streamlined service and an unrivalled experience to the UK business community. We want to successfully transition as many vehicles as possible on the roads to environmentally friendly EV options and help to reduce the UK’s carbon footprint along the way.

“The automotive industry is going through one of the most radical changes in its history, and we’re setting out as leaders in providing trusted, eco-friendly solutions in the most carbon efficient and cost-effective way possible. We’re here to ensure that businesses are not only ready to move to a fully electric fleet by 2030, but that they become as passionate as we are about the benefits of electric vehicles.”

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